Hey New Moms,
It's normal to feel overwhelmed at first! Get the Newborn Survival Kit and sleep better tonight.
I won't share your e-mail address!
Caring for a new baby can be nerve-wracking, exhausting, frustrating, wonderful, and heart-melting all at the same time. But let me reassure you: you WILL figure this out!
Jack Canfield, Co-Author, Chicken Soup For The Mother's Soul
If Dr. Cathryn can't be your pediatrician, read her book!
Hi! I'm Dr Cathryn!
I’m a pediatrician with more than 30 years of experience. I’ve carried out hundreds of thousands of office consultations. I’m also the mother of four fantastic kids. And here’s something most people don’t know about me–I was a trained midwife before I went to medical school. I’m also the author of 2 parenting books. I’m excited to share my experience with you and help make your experience a more relaxed and enjoyable one.