4 Easy Ways To Avoid Tantrums

Avoid Tantrums

Tantrums are normal.

Your little one doesn't have the words he needs to tell you what he's feeling, so emotions come out in his behavior. 

Fewer tantrums mean more time to enjoy your toddler and less time to feel angry, stressed, and guilty.⁣

☞ Toddlers are wired to test limits. They want to do ‘it’ themselves, and at the same time, they want you to do ‘it’ for them. In these moments, your toddler needs you to be in charge.

Here are 4 ways to sidestep tantrums:

Toddlers are learning to manage strong feelings for the first time…but they need your help.⁣ They are so passionate about everything and anything.

  1. Give choices. Choices give your child the sense of control he needs while sidestepping power struggles. But choices need to be age-appropriate and limited to ‘this’ or ‘that’.
  2. See things from your child’s perspective. This will help you avoid responding to your toddlers with knee-jerk reactions.
  3. Accept your child’s strong feelings without denying them⁣. Your toddler will feel less frustrated when the most important person in his world understands him.⁣
  4. Choose your words wisely. ‘Oh, so you’re exhausted and hungry, and you don’t like what I made for lunch? That must be frustrating.’ 

☞  Lastly, remember toddlers are a work in progress!

Whether you validate, acknowledge, or support your little guy, he will be less likely to get stuck in his emotions when he feels heard and understood.     

Get More Tantrum Tips

With the right information, you can learn to guide your child out of tantrums. In our (free) TODDLER TALKS, you'll learn how to keep calm when your child pitches a fit.  TODDLER TALKS in bite-sized chunks will send you a weekly e-mail with a clear and solid parenting tip. We want you to feel proud of your parenting. 

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